30+ Years of experience
Trophy Stone Outfitting Ltd. is a family owned and operated outfitting business located in central Yukon. The Sandulak family has been involved in the outfitting and guiding industry for over 30+ years in Manitoba, Yukon, Alaska, Australia and New Zealand. We are proud to offer a low volume highly personalized service to all our clients.
Trophy Stone Outfitters
Hunts are conducted with one guide assigned to each hunter. Whether you are planning a “single species” or a “mixed bag” hunt, we have the equipment, professional staff and knowledge of the area to assist you in taking your trophies. As your outfitter we are out in the field and have control over each hunt. Our broad background and experience in the outfitting and guiding industry ensures the success of your hunt and satisfaction of our clients as our best means of advertising.
Our hunting territory, concession area number 14 is located in central Yukon, 140 air miles north of Whitehorse. The country is magnificent, far away from civilization and accessible only by boat or plane. Trophy Stone Outfitting is licenced by the Yukon Department of Environment to guide big game hunters within the vast primitive wilderness on Canada’s Yukon Territory. Together we work to make this a prime hunting area with its trophy wild game accessible to hunters world-wide.
Trophy Stone Outfitters is the only permitted big game guiding company in this 7000 square mile area (approximately 4.5 million acres). Using a variety of spike camps throughout the hunting area we are able to offer quality hunting for Stone Sheep, Yukon Moose, Mountain Caribou, Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Wolf and Wolverine in the months of August, September, and October. Also available are Spring hunts for Grizzly and Black Bear and winter hunts for Wolf. You will find unbelievable fishing in the many lakes and rivers throughout the hunting area.
We would like to thank you for taking the time to consider Trophy Stone Outfitting Ltd. for you your next hunt. If you have any questions about the hunts that we offer, please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you. We sincerely look forward to taking you hunting and having you as our guest in the Yukon.
Dean, Lori, Bill and Rosie Sandulak